No Small Talk

No Small Talk Cards

The scientifically proven way to connect.

When was the last time you shared a deep conversation with someone you just met, or even a close friend for that matter?

These conversation cards are designed to be a conversational lubricant at your next dinner party.

Original Pack

50 conversation cards designed to be the conversational lubricant at your next dinner party with questions that challenge the conventional norms of conversation. These cards give you the social permission to have real conversations with people.
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Spice Pack!

Like the original pack, these 50 conversation cards will be a conversational lubricant at your next dinner party but unlike the original pack, the questions on these cards cover only taboo topics, from sex and drugs to politics and religion. They are spicy, but sometimes life needs a bit more spice.
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Combo Pack

This deck combines the best of both worlds. You have cards safe for work and family gatherings AND you can turn up the volume with your friends. WARNING: Some cards cover taboo topics - from sex and drugs to politics and religion. They are spicy, but sometimes life needs a bit more spice.
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The No Small Talk Decree

We hereby decree that Small Talk shall be shunned. We will plunge into the conversational unknown. We will talk about things we don’t normally discuss. We will bathe in the slight uncomfortableness this may cause.