How to Use Other People to Achieve Your Goals

Use Other People to Achieve Your Goals


Mutually-Assured Non-Complacency (MANC)

Introducing MANC, a system that helps you achieve your goals. 

Plainly, MANC is a system that uses the people closest to you to assure that you don’t fall into status quo ruts. It’s Mutually-Assured Non-Complacency.

How does it work? First, you define the new desired personal behavior (a.k.a. your goal). Then, you put in a system to achieve it (a.k.a. accountability system). This system gives your friends and family a role in your success.

So you think you can MANC?  The worksheet gives you the recipe. The videos give you the motivation to start today.

MANC - Mutually-Assured Non-Complacency

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TEDx Talk: Kristen Berman

Watch Kristen Berman’s TEDx Berlin talk: ‘Don’t Listen To Your Customers – Do This Instead.’

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How to MANC

Want to start a habit? Or get a boyfriend? This method will work for any goal. You just have to involve other people. It’s that simple.

Congrats! We see you. Now start on that worksheet!

Download How to MANC
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How to MANC

Want to start a habit? Or get a boyfriend? This method will work for any goal. You just have to involve other people. It’s that simple.

Congrats! You’re about to MANC. 🙂 Let us know how it goes. Tweet at Kristen, our founder, @Bermster when you start.

Download How to MANC
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Step-by-step MANC guide

Find out how to achieve your goals … easily. The secret? Use your friends to help you. This worksheet goes over the step-by-step guide to do that.

Congrats! Get started now. MANC yourself. 🙂

Download Step-by-step MANC guide
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What is MANC?
Why MANC works
What MANC looks like (3 examples)
Results from a MANC experiment
Don't Listen to Your Customers - Do This Instead